County Cricket Board Review
Surrey Cricket was very lucky to be involved in the pilot scheme when the first Cricket Factory equipment became available. On taking receipt of the equipment it soon became clear that the kit was eye catching and had flexible usage.
The equipment was used by Surrey Coaches as they delivered sessions in schools and proved to be popular for its unique appearance and for its versatility. The coaches then made use of the equipment during holiday courses run in conjunction with cricket clubs and local authorities.
Cricket clubs then looked to borrow the equipment for their own use for junior sessions. Feedback received from them quoted how popular the equipment was with both young/beginner cricketers and older/more able ones. The coaches too enjoyed themselves and challenged one another to find new ways of using the kit.
The equipment was also used for a couple of Local Authority community events where cricket was requested to attend but space was restricted. One of the major colt’s leagues in the County borrowed the bags for festival days they run in the summer holidays. In year 1 they had the equipment available for the children to use in whatever way they wanted with a couple of coaches around to supervise and assist if required. The second year the league went down another route and similar to the Cricket Factory Roadshow set up the equipment as a circuit of activities with one player at a time being taken through a catching, throwing, bowling and batting drills to end up with an overall grading of International Player, County Player, Club Player or “Retire”………………..needless to say the points scoring system never allowed anyone to have to “Retire”!!
The new equipment builds on from the first set of kit and still has that “wow factor” which is key. I’ll be carrying it around with me initially to District Development Group meetings to promote to clubs and schools who attend these meetings. We will be looking to use the equipment on our courses again as well as loaning it out for specific events and club usage. Also once my colleagues have seen it I may be seeing if it can be utilised within our Coach Education Programme so trainee coaches can be made aware of what’s available.
Chris Bullen – Cricket Development Manager for Outer London & East Surrey
County Cricket Board Update
The kit has been used in the followings ways:
2 Primary Teacher inset courses
4 club registration nights
Clubs have borrowed it for normal colts sessions and holiday courses
Used at disability day at The Oval
Being used at present on a Croydon Roadshow project (assembly then taster session in 10 schools followed up by 8 weeks of coaching)
Colts League had the kit for their festivals – drills run whilst kids had break in matches
It’s been used from 5 to 16 years old
For further information please contact:
Chris Bullen, Cricket Development Manager
Office: 0207 820 5719