Cricket Factory Bannerzone and Guernsey Cricket Board
“After taking delivery of bag after bag full of poles, flags, netting and banners we trundled off to the Guernsey Year 4 Sports Morning at the local leisure centre wondering how it all fitted together.
We needn’t have worried as 45 minutes later we had assembled everything and had a brand new GCB HSBC Roadshow waiting for the first classes to turn up. It was assembled very easily and it was clearly designed to stand the rigorous tests that primary school children can throw at it!
All of a sudden 40 kids appeared on the horizon and ran towards the Cricket Factory Bannerzone. They were not coming to cricket but were off to the Rugby that was set up behind us with a few cones. It was good to hear the comments of the children as they passed, “I wish that we were doing that”, seeming to be a common theme. Then our allocated school group came, a stampede that couldn’t wait to get going.
We explained how the different activities worked and then we got the action underway. Throwing, catching, batting and bowling could be seen; laughter and enjoyment could be heard. The feedback from the teachers was fantastic and the opening appearance of the GCB HSBC Roadshow featuring Cricket Factory ® was a great success.
It is clear from it’s first outing that the GCB HSBC Roadshow featuring Cricket Factory ® will leave a lasting legacy amongst the children that take part in it and, become a key part of the GCB Development Programme at the first entry level of participation. GCB have a full programme of events planned including schools, public events and at key local cricket matches. What a fantastic tool in the development of local cricket.”
Jason Shambrook GCB Development & Strategy Manager
“We are keenly aware how important it is for us to attract children to cricket as early as possible given the limits to numbers on an island like Guernsey and, thus the crowded timetable for all sports. Having such an eye-catching and unique facility at our disposal as the GCB HSBC Roadshow featuring Cricket Factory ® gives us a big advantage. I already suspect it will likely become our most used and sought after piece of kit!”
Guernsey Cricket Board CEO Mark Latte
Schools Day at St. Martin’s Primary School

A number of different skill challenges were presented to the students and then they had the opportunity to create their own games.
Key Stage 4 at St. Peter’s Port School

As you can see from the images they came up with some really diverse solutions.
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